The LPSHG Organising Committee has decided to cancel this year´s LPSHG due to the COVID-19 pandemic uncertainty
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time
This summer school, named in 2011 after the Finnish geneticist Leena Peltonen (1952–2010), provides a unique opportunity to learn and be inspired by those that have shaped our understanding of human genomics in the past decade. Tutors are among the scientific leaders who are advancing the field of human genomics and former students are now at the forefront of much of this research.
This is a uniquely fascinating time in human genetics and genomics, as the field moves beyond the cataloguing of associated variation towards fundamental biological inference and translational implementation. The program will cover a range of topics including our current understanding of the genomics of rare and complex human diseases. There will be sessions addressing gene regulation and functional analysis. The latest advances in sequencing technology and the future of whole genome analysis, clinical sequencing, bioinformatics and personalized medicine will also be discussed.
The schedule is highly interactive with presentations by the tutors and students on cutting-edge topics in human genomics. The summer school is more akin to a ‘science summer camp’ for graduate students with discussions and debates on the future of human genomics. A unique feature is the one-to-one mentoring on all aspects of genomics, including advice on publishing and pursuing an academic research or private sector career.
The summer school is suitable for scientists and clinicians undertaking graduate studies focused on human genetics and genomics. Applications from those who have completed a PhD in another area and have moved into genomics for their postdoctoral studies will also be considered. To optimize discussions and interactions, numbers are limited to 20 students.
AGBT is a proud supporter of The Leena Peltonen School of Human Genomic.
registration info
The LPSHG Organising Committee has decided to cancel this year´s LPSHG due to the COVID-19 pandemic uncertainty.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time.
scientific programme committee
- Manolis Dermitzakis, University of Geneva, CH
- Nancy Cox - Vanderbilt University, USA
- Tuuli Lappalainen - NYGC and Columbia University, USA
- Cecilia Lindgren - BDI-Oxford, UK
- Mark McCarthy - University of Oxford, UK
confirmed tutors
- Carl Anderson - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
- Inês Barroso - University of Exeter Medical School, UK
- Jacques Fellay - CHUV and EPFL, CH
- Nicholas Katsanis - Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA
- Helena Kilpinen-Barrett - UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, UK
- Eimear Kenny - Institute for Genomic Health, USA
- Len Pennacchio - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
- Sara Pulit - Vertex Pharmaceuticals, USA
- Alexandre Reymond - University of Lausanne, CH
- Manuel Rivas - Stanford University, USA
- Magdalena Skipper - Nature, UK
- Gosia Trynka - Sanger Institute, UK
feedback from previous students
“In general, the course was amazing and provided great opportunities to network, gain new scientific insights and discuss future career plans. I found it great that there was somebody from the industry present”. (2019)
“One of the best aspects of the course is that all the tutors were always available during meals and after-hours events for questions and discussions – That was just amazing, thank you!” (2018)
“I already recommended it to my colleagues. The course was a fantastic experience. The networking opportunities were fantastic, the discussions were plentiful and each one as interesting as the last. You get the opportunity of meeting the greatest people, you make new friends. Definitely one of the greatest experiences of my academic career.“ (2017)
“I loved the one-to-one sessions – it was great to have the opportunity to have the focussed attention of some of the world leaders in the human genomics field and be able to ask them anything we wished. As well as helpful scientific discussion, we were able to get a lot of useful career advice and insight into how they got to where they are today.“ (2016)
“The course provided a unique opportunity to meet several experts in the field of human genetics and discuss science and career-related issues with them. It was also important to be able to share experiences with many other students who are currently in the same situation and trying to figure out what to do after completing PhD degree.“ (2015)
“The tutors that participated in the course are leaders in their fields and therefore, participate in the important conferences in human genetics and genomics that are held every year…. I think that the highest value of this course was that it provides the unique opportunity to talk to the tutors about their academic career, their research interests, and their view of the future advances on the field of human genomics. It was also very inspiring learning what motivates them to do what they do, and to receive their advice regarding research in the academic context.“ (2014)
“The opportunity to interact with 20 world-leading scientists over a period of four days was absolutely invaluable. The discussions in the one-to-one meetings, over meals, drinks and coffee were both truly inspiring and thought provoking.“ (2013)
“Leena Peltonen School of Human Genomics: one of the best experiences a genetics graduate student can have.“(2012)