Le séquençage du génome va devenir un guide de vie

Posts de Olivier Menzel

The Health 2030 Genome Center Receives ISO 15189 Accreditation

The accreditation granted to the Health 2030 Genome Center is unique among Swiss public institutions in its broad focus on methods appropriate for a wide range of diseases rather than one or a few specific diseases. The Health 2030 Genome Center announced today that it had received ISO 15189:2013 certification for medical laboratories from the…

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Leena Peltonen School of Human Genomics

The LPSHG Organising Committee has decided to cancel this year´s LPSHG due to the COVID-19 pandemic uncertainty. Leena Peltonen School of Human Genomics, named in 2011 after the Finnish geneticist Leena Peltonen (1952–2010), provides a unique opportunity to learn and be inspired by those that have shaped our understanding of human genomics in the past decade. Tutors…

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Swiss Genomics Forum 2019

The Swiss Genomics Forum – #SGF19 – organized by the Health 2030 Genome Center, brought together researchers, clinicians, patient communities, and other stakeholder groups to meet and discuss the future of genomics. The following themes were explored at the SGF2019: Genomics: opportunities and challenges Diseases: latest genomics-based diagnostic and therapeutic approaches Personalized Health: relevance and impact of genomic medicine Data:…

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news & events

news & events

Meet the Genome Center in Berlin at the European Society of Human Genetics!  

The annual meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) brings together scientists and health care…

Genomic medicine gets closer to the clinic

The Health 2030 Genome Center (Genome Center) has obtained a major accreditation extension for human genome sequencing…

Meet the Genome Center at the European Society of Human Genetics!

The annual meeting of the European Society of  Human Genetics (ESHG)  brings together scientists and health care…

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